Sunday, May 15, 2011

Simon Cowell Says ?Good Chance? Paula Abdul Joining ?The X Factor?

FIRST PUBLISHED: April 25, 2011 11:00 AM EDT

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

The speculation concerning the judges on FOX?s upcoming ?The X Factor? continues!

In an interview with Deadline?s Nikki Finke, Simon gushed about his desire to work alongside his former ?American Idol? pal, Paula Abdul, on his new series.

?I?ve always wanted Paula. Always been very vocal about that. I missed her the second she left the show. Always loved working with her even though she can be a pain. And I?ve been consistent about this. I don?t know what it is about her, but I?ve always clicked with her. You just have to get that chemistry, and she?s right,? Simon said. ?I?ve never found anyone better than her. I think there?s a good chance it will be her. We?ve agreed that we would meet as many people as possible, and now we?re reaching the deadline we?ve got to make the decision soon. But I think she?s got a really good shot.?

Despite his enthusiasm for Paula, a rep for Simon told Access that nothing was decided.

?It?s still playing out,? his rep said in a statement to Access on Monday. ?Nothing is set, and Paula is one of many people Simon is talking to. He?s said the same thing many times, including on the radio last week. There?s nothing new.?

Simon also expressed his support for Cheryl Cole, the British singer who was a judge on the UK version of ?The X Factor.?

?I never think about it as an American or British audience. I genuinely don?t. I think that?s what?s happened on a lot of these shows now is it?s almost like you?ve got to hire well known celebrities to be a judge. And with Cheryl, when I hired her initially, I?d only met her literally once when I offered her the job on [British] ?X Factor.? I thought she was bright, cute, knew what she was talking about, ambitious. And you meet someone special a few times in your life? and this girl is special. She?s just got a great ability to communicate. She?s a great judge. She?s smart. It?s just a hunch. If people take to her like the British public did, I think she?s going to do really well in America. And Fox was desperate to hire her,? Simon said in the interview with Deadline.

A source added, ?She?s pretty much a shoo-in for the show.?

A rep for FOX told Access Hollywood they had ?no comment.?

Former record label executive L.A. Reid was previously announced as the first judge to sit beside Simon on the FOX reality competition set to debut this fall.

Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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'Thor' Maintains Box Office Throne


May 15, 2011

'Thor' returned to number one at the box office this weekend, beating Kristen Wiig's laugher, 'Bridesmaids.'

Moviegoers shelled out $34 million to see 'Thor' swing his hammer this weekend, compared to the $24.5 million for 'Bridesmaids.'

'Fast Five' hasn't slowed down too much, pulling in $20.2 million in its third week, and 'Priest' came in fourth with $15.5 million.

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Wyclef Jean Mel Gibson Conrad Murray Michael Jackson

Festival de Cannes | Vanessa Hudgens, Jude Law et Duran Duran au VIP Room

Par Benoit Bisson - 14 mai 2011 - 7:10 | Dermi�re mise-�-jour: 15 mai 2011 - 5:24 Imprimer

Ce ne sont pas les folles soir�es qui manquent pendant le Festival de Cannes. Hier soir, Duran Duran donnait un concert au VIP Room pour le lancement de la vodka Belvedere Red et on a pu y voir Vanessa Hudgens, Rosario Dawson et Jude Law. Voici, en photos et en vid�o, tous les d�tails de cet �v�nement.

Au VIP Room du Palm Beach Casino sur la Croisette, c?�tait soir de f�te. Le groupe Duran Duran y donnait un concert priv� hier soir, le 13 mai. La soir�e r�serv�e � quelques stars avait pour but le lancement officiel d?une nouvelle bouteille de vodka Belvedere Red. Mais attention, c?�tait aussi pour la bonne cause.

Car les ventes de cette nouvelle bouteille servent � amasser des fonds pour l?organisme Global Fund, la moiti� du prix de la vodka �tant directement remis � l?organisme de charit�. Cette association � but non lucratif a pour objectif de financer des programmes qui servent � lutter contre le sida, la tuberculose et la malaria dans les pays en voie de d�veloppement. Et apr�s avoir d�j� invit� Debbie Harry et Grace Jones les ann�es pr�c�dentes au Festival de Cannes, la marque de vodka Belvedere avait choisi le groupe britannique Duran Duran pour faire danser les invit�s tri�s sur le volet.

� l?int�rieur du VIP Room, le d�cor �tait hautement color�. Couleurs fluos et �clairage tamis� mettaient en valeur les bouteilles de Belvedere. �videmment, les d�gustations allaient bon train, tous les cocktails offerts ayant �t� r�alis�s avec la marque d?alcool. Apr�s le concert de Duran Duran, qui d�butait � 2h du matin, tout le monde s?est mis � danser jusqu?au matin. La vid�o en fin de texte en est une d?ambiance apr�s le concert et on peut y juger de l?ambiance qui r�gnait � l?int�rieur du club le plus exclusif de Cannes (en plus d?y voir Rosario Dawson de bonne humeur!).

Sur le tapis rouge, Jude Law est arriv� au milieu des cris des curieux rassembl�s derri�re les barri�res de s�curit� pour tenter d?apercevoir les stars. L?acteur britannique, qui est sur le jury du Festival de Cannes, est rentr� au VIP Room sans prononcer un mot, mais en prenant quelques secondes pour poser pour les photographes. Par contre, � l?int�rieur, il �tait d�cha�n�!

Quincy Jones est arriv� calmement, entour� de plusieurs gardes du corps. Hofit Golan �tait �galement sur place, la mondaine �tant de toutes les festivit�s sur la Croisette. Et Victoria Silvstedt, la mod�le et actrice su�doise �tait �galement sur place. Quant � Vanessa Hudgens, si elle a pu �tre prise en photo � l?int�rieur du VIP Room, elle n?a pas �t� vue sur le tapis rouge.

Rosario Dawson s?est montr�e la plus loquace et la plus sympa. L?actrice a pass� plusieurs minutes sur le tapis rouge pour signer une bouteille de vodka qui sera mise aux ench�res avant de parler aux photographes sur place. �Je suis une m�ga fan de Duran Duran�, s?est-elle �cri�e. �J?ai tellement h�te de me mettre � danser! Je n?ai aucun mal � admettre que je pleure � chaque fois que je les vois en concert et oui, je vais verser des larmes ce soir.�

Et, avant d?entamer leur concert priv�, les membres du groupe Duran Duran ont tenu � souligner � quel point il �tait important pour eux de participer � de telles soir�es. �Nous sommes ravis d?�tre � Cannes et de soutenir Belvedere. La lutte contre le VIH et le sida est quelque chose qui nous affecte tous et nous sommes toujours heureux de soutenir de telles causes.� Apr�s cette folle soir�e, les membres de la formation retourneront en Angleterre, leur tourn�e mondiale All You Need Is Now s?y amor�ant dans quelques jours.

Cannes 2011 Stars , , , , , , , , , ,

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'Grumpy' Bieber draws tiny Hong Kong welcome (AFP)

HONG KONG (AFP) ? Canadian pop sensation Justin Bieber usually draws legions of screaming girls at his sold-out concerts, but the mop-haired teen idol got a hugely disappointing greeting when he arrived in Hong Kong.

Just seven fans showed up at the city's airport to greet Bieber, the Sunday Morning Post reported, calling it an "embarrassingly low-key reception".

In contrast to the tiny turn-out, footage of his arrival posted on YouTube -- where the star made his name -- had been viewed nearly 135,000 times by Sunday, four days after he jetted in to the muted reception.

The paper said there were "three times" more bodyguards than female fans at the airport with the 17-year-old pop sensation "looking grumpy and walking straight past the small group of fans as they yelled out his name".

But some fans defended the heartthrob, saying his gloomy demeanour was due to him falling ill before arriving in the southern Chinese city.

"He didn't acknowledge us but that was probably because he saw more of the photographers," 15-year-old Ruth Boon told the Post, saying the light fan turnout was likely a result of it being a school day.

Bieber's concert on Friday in Hong Kong -- one of the last shows in his "My World" tour -- still saw a 13,500-seat stadium almost packed to capacity, the Post said.

The pop sensation soared to stardom after videos of his performances were posted on YouTube, with his album "My World 2.0" hitting the top of the US charts.

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Julian Assange Charlie Sheen Steven Tyler Jennifer Lopez

Jersey Shore Cast Takes Italy by Storm

Jersey Shore Cast Takes Italy by Storm

From left: Paul DelVecchio, Mike Sorrentino and Vinny Guadagnino


Gym, tan, laundry may have been the essentials in Seaside Heights, N.J., but now that the Jersey Shore cast has officially touched down in Italy, the only thing they need is, well, Rosetta Stone.

In fact, Ronnie Magro tells PEOPLE he ordered the language software as soon as he heard about the GTL gang's season 4 destination.

"I need to know how to order grilled chicken when I get down there," he told PEOPLE before they arrived in Italy, where they were greeted by a crowd of fans on Friday. "I can't have pasta every day!"

And he wasn't the only one concerned about learning the language ? or keeping away from the carbs.

"I think I'm gonna do the same thing because obviously we need to communicate with Italians and none of us speak Italian," Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi tells PEOPLE. Her other concern? "All we're gonna eat is pasta," she continued. "We're all gonna get fat."

Polizzi, after all, has been clocking in more hours at the gym lately ? and pasta isn't on her diet.

"I'm very, very scared because I'm trying to lose weight," she says. "So going to Italy and drinking wine and having spaghetti all day ? it throws me off course."

Production began this week after a delay in Florence last weekend due to a visit from Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.

Jersey Shore Cast Takes Italy by Storm| Jersey Shore, Mike Sorrentino, Nicole Polizzi, Pauly DelVecchio, Ronnie Magro, Vinny Guadagnino

Italian fans await the arrival of the stars of Jersey Shore in Florence

Sinky-Macca / Splash News Online

? Reporting by LESLEY MESSER

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Gerardo Ortiz Julian Assange Charlie Sheen Steven Tyler

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 13: Katherine Heigl,

Washington, D.C. (May 13, 2011) -- Following our extremely popular contest, 'HD Hottie Hysteria,' we've started a new feature in which we will highlight a top female star every day. The gorgeous female will come from a program that can be seen in gorgeous high-def that very day. Today's 'HD Hottie' is Katherine Heigl, who stars tonight in high-def in 27 Dresses at 8 p.m. ET on FX.

The 32-year-old actress, who was born in Washington, D.C., got her first big break in the sci-fi drama, Roswell. But it's her role as Dr. "Izzie" in Grey's Anatomy that made her star. Although Katherine criticized her role in the TV drama in 2008, saying the material was too thin to warrant an Emmy nomination, she returned to Grey's Anatomy for a additional season before bowing out.
Katherine has since left Grey's Anatomy for the movies. Heigl has starred in the films Knocked Up, 27 Dresses, The Ringer, The Ugly Truth, Killers and Life As We Know It. She will soon star in One For the Money and New Year's Eve. So, here is Katherine Heigl, today's HD Hottie:

See another picture of Katherine!

Kindle Wireless Reading Device: $139

Click to see today's Swanni Sez.


Phillip Swann is president and publisher of He has been quoted in dozens of publications and broadcast outlets, including CNN, Fox News, Inside Edition, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Financial Times, The Associated Press and The Hollywood Reporter. He can be reached at or at 703-505-3064.

Click to read more news and features on TV technology.�

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Gotti producer praises Lohan at Cannes

The Mean Girls star recently signed a two-picture agreement with Fiore Films, with her first role starring alongside John Travolta, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci in Gotti: Three Generations, based on the real-life crime family.

Her involvement had been thrown into doubt after she was sentenced to 120 days behind bars for violating her probation stemming from a 2007 DUI charge. She will begin her jail stint next month (Jun11), but producer Marc Fiore is adamant Lohan's prison time won't have an impact on her planned work schedule.

He tells reporters at the Cannes Film Festival in France, "Lindsay Lohan is a talented and beautiful actress, she is in the film and will be playing the role of Kim Gotti. She will also be co-starring in our next film, Mob Street."

Lohan broke her probation when she was accused of stealing a necklace from a California jewellery store earlier this year (11). She pleaded no contest to the charge.

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Carly Patterson Vanessa Hudgens Ali Larter Busy Phillips

Women Falling Down On Film, Over And Over And Over Again

Irin Carmon ?Women Falling Down On Film, Over And Over And Over Again Whatever you think of the prospect of the diarrhea-vomit-wedding dress scene in Bridesmaids, it's palpably more original than the romcom standby of a girl falling down. (Though let's not forget Sex And The City's less-committed diarrhea gag.) Here, Nerve's compendium.

Why does it happen so often? Tad Friend's New Yorker piece on Anna Faris and Hollywood's funny lady problem has become like a handy decoder tool for this crap, and it's also cited by Nerve:

'To make a woman adorable,' one female sucessful screenwriter says, 'you have to defeat her at the beginning... It's as simple as making the girl cry, fifteen minutes into the movie.' Relatability is based on vulnerability, which creates likeability. With male characters, smoking pot, getting drunk, and lying around watching porn is likeable; with females, the same conduct is hateful. So funny women must not only be gorgeous; they must fall down and then sob, knowing it's all their fault."

Of course, men fall down in movies too; they also get smacked in the face and the balls by things and a whole other range of things. But it never seems to be about bringing them down a peg.

Beautiful Women Falling Down: A Short Film [Nerve]
Earlier: Hollywood Insiders Admit That Hollywood Hates Women

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Busy Phillips Scarlett Johansson Miley Cyrus Jessica Alba

Blue v Jedward: A Eurovision Song Contest 2011 Celebrity Face Off - Metro

Eurovision entries

X Factor rejects Jedward will perform a track called Lipstick at the Eurovision Song Contest while boyband Blue will hope to triumph with I Can.

While the Blue boys stick with the familiar set up of four men strolling around singing with exaggerated arm movements in the video to I Can, Irish pop duo Jedward - John and Edward Grimes - take their trademark quiffs and dance moves to the top of the Eiffel Tower and end up smearing Lipstick everywhere.

Blue's I Can is classic boyband fare: uplifting, inspiring music. The trouble is that while it definitely ticks the cheesy boxes, it's instantly forgettable. �

Lipstick is everything you'd expect from a Jedward track and more: delightfully naff, with plenty of backing music to cover up the less than perfect vocal talents of the Irish duo. The catchy track is guaranteed to stick in your head.

Winner of Round One: Jedward - Lipstick has the ingredients of the classic Eurovision winner. So bad it's good.

What they've got to lose

If the 19-year-old twin singing sensations Jedward win the competition, they could be set to play for US president Barack Obama when he visits their native Ireland.

John told The Sun: 'If we win Eurovision and get to perform for Obama that would be the ultimate, he's even bigger than Simon Cowell!'

Ireland is the country with the highest number of wins in the contest with seven, so they could give it an bigger boost if they take home the prize.

For Blue, this will be the first year in a while that Britain has sent an established act after the likes of Josh Dubovie and Scooch flopped.

If the group fail to succeed at the contest, will they take this as a sign that reuniting wasn't the best thing to do?

Moreover, if this already successful act also went down the pan, who would the UK pop bosses send next year?!

Winner of Round Two: Blue - even more than affecting their reputation, their appearance at the Eurovision could make or break their future as a boyband.

Blue Eurovision Song Contest I Can song JedwardBest-known for their high notes and fancy footwork, the Eurovision Song Contest marks a comeback for reformed pop group Blue (Picture: PA)

Achievements to date

The 56th Eurovision marks a comeback for reformed group Blue.

Simon Webbe, Lee Ryan, Duncan James and Antony Costa are hoping to add another achievement to a successful ten-year career in which they have had several Top Ten hits, including All Rise, Guilty, and their duet with Elton John on his song Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word.

In 2005, the band split to pursue solo projects, but after having varying degrees of success, the band reformed last April and began writing new material, from which we've only heard I Can.

Less established, and arguably less successful are the Dublin twins, who shot to fame after appearing in the sixth series of The X Factor.

Though they didn?t win the contest, the identical twin brothers succeeded in winding up judge Simon Cowell and even some members of the viewing public.

Still, their energetic routines has helped them accumulate fans all over the world ? they have almost 220,000 followers on Twitter and have been rated second favourites for the contest.

Jedward's debut single, Under Pressure (Ice Ice Baby) featuring Vanilla Ice failed to hit the top spot and resulted in Simon Cowell's record label axing them. But fellow X Factor judge Louis Walsh took the boys under his wing and landed them another record deal, days after they were dumped by Sony.�

Their strongest points may not be their voices, but this hasn't proven problematic. The duo has had TV ads lined up for them, and even had Jedward Easter eggs made in their likeness.

Winner of Round Three and the contest: Jedward - They can be annoying, but their unique style and verve have made them likeable too. Ireland loves them and Europe seems to be taking to them too.

The Eurovision Song Contest will be aired on BBC One on May 14 at 8pm.

Look at pictures from the Eurovision song contest semi-finals:

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Michael Jackson Sylvester Stallone Arnold Schwarzenegger Justin Bieber

James Durbin Doesn't Think He 'Failed' On 'American Idol'

James Durbin had a weird feeling when he got to the "American Idol" studios on Thursday.

"Something was off with the kinetic energy," he said Friday (May 13) during a call with reporters. "I felt it in people's body language. ... There was a real somber feeling."

Asked if he was blindsided, then, by the news that he would be going home in fourth place on the show later that night, Durbin paused and said, "I'm not going to lie, I definitely was." He said he "freaked out" a bit just before the show went on air and had a feeling that his ride might be over.

With less than an hour of sleep since his surprise ouster, Durbin said the hours since his elimination had been a "whirlwind" of emotion. "I've been really thinking about why I came on this show and why I even auditioned in the first place," he said. "It's for my family and to try and give a voice to a genre of music that seems like it's slowly fading away. I really accomplished a lot on the show, and I'm grateful for the opportunity."

While other fourth-place finishers, including rocker Chris Daughtry, have said not winning "Idol" was probably the best thing that ever happened to them, Durbin said he understood that sentiment, but "winning would have been just great too."

He said his first instinct when host Ryan Seacrest broke the news was to think about how badly he'd wanted to win and fight back the feeling that somehow he'd failed. But after some time to reflect, Durbin said he'd come around on that thought. "I haven't failed at all," he said, adding a refrain often heard from "Idol" finalists. "This is just the beginning."

The singer, who provided one of the most emotionally engaging moments of the season with his tearful farewell, compared the journey on "Idol" to a roller coaster, saying it has loops and corkscrews and that while some people think of elimination as the first step toward the crazy ride down the other side of the fame hill, he sees it differently. "I'm still clicking up the track," he said of his wild ride yet to come. "I'm really, really stoked."

While some of his castmates have hooked up with movie starlets, Durbin said one of the biggest celebrity perks he enjoyed on "Idol" was becoming close to professional wrestler and "Dancing With the Stars" contestant Chris Jericho, whose show is filmed at the same studio as "Idol." For the lifelong wrestling fan, who always idolized Jericho, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And given that Jericho fronts his own metal band, the boys bonded over body slams, life on the road and all things hard rock.

Given the Hollywood-ready arc of his story ? from his Asperger's and Tourette's syndrome to the death of his musician father from a drug overdose when James was 9 years old ? someone asked who the singer might like to see portray him in a movie. At first, he was speechless and then said he might want to do the honors himself. But then he suggested Matt Damon, since some people have said he resembles the actor, and maybe Steven Seagal for his older incarnation, since he used to rock a Seagal-like ponytail back in the day.

Durbin has lots of plans for his debut album. He'd like to work with Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy, reunite with guitar legend Zakk Wylde and bring out his "secret weapon," his best friend from home who is a shredding guitar player. As he's said before, James wants to bring back the classic metal sound, starting with an iconic singer/guitarist pairing along the lines of Wylde and Ozzy Osbourne or Aerosmith's Steven Tyler and Joe Perry.

And given the chance, he'd like to re-create the sound of his favorite record, the 1983 debut from late Black Sabbath metal screamer and solo star Ronnie James Dio, Holy Diver. He wouldn't give any details, but Durbin said he heard the song that might be his first single Thursday. "I really dig it," he said of the unnamed tune. "It's something I can really work." He described it as having a heavy edge, but also being radio-friendly enough to get airplay.

With no regrets, Durbin did point out his one potential misstep on the show when asked why his number might have been called Thursday. Referring again to his friendship with wrestler Jericho, he noted that the last song Jericho danced to on "Stars" was, yes, Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'."

" 'Don't Stop Believing' eliminated James Durbin, Chris Jericho and Tony Soprano," he said with a laugh.

Don't miss "Idol Party Live" every Thursday at noon on for analysis, celebrity guests and even some karaoke ? get in the conversation by tweeting with the hashtag #idolparty! In the meantime, get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

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Ne-Yo Bree Olson Pete Sampras Bruno Mars

Gisele Bundchen takes first place on the Forbes list of top earning models

Gyra Chan

Forbes Magazine named Gisele Bundchen as the highest earning supermodel.

According to the magazine said that Bundchen made a reported $45 million in 2010.

Allheadlinenews says that Bundchen was followed on the list by Heidi Klum and Kate Moss as the top three supermodel earners of the year. The top three models made $112 million between the three of them last year, says

With a social calendar like hers, it?s no surprise that the Brazilian beauty is the world's richest supermodel.

According to the Telegraph, she made appearances at the Costume Institute Gala, she hosted the UN Premier Global Environmental Awards, and then she headed to the Robin Hood Foundation Gala all in one week.

She is certainly a busy supermodel, but at $45 million a year - it must be worth it.

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Conrad Murray Michael Jackson Sylvester Stallone Arnold Schwarzenegger

James Durbin Doesn't Think He 'Failed' On 'American Idol'

James Durbin had a weird feeling when he got to the "American Idol" studios on Thursday.

"Something was off with the kinetic energy," he said Friday (May 13) during a call with reporters. "I felt it in people's body language. ... There was a real somber feeling."

Asked if he was blindsided, then, by the news that he would be going home in fourth place on the show later that night, Durbin paused and said, "I'm not going to lie, I definitely was." He said he "freaked out" a bit just before the show went on air and had a feeling that his ride might be over.

With less than an hour of sleep since his surprise ouster, Durbin said the hours since his elimination had been a "whirlwind" of emotion. "I've been really thinking about why I came on this show and why I even auditioned in the first place," he said. "It's for my family and to try and give a voice to a genre of music that seems like it's slowly fading away. I really accomplished a lot on the show, and I'm grateful for the opportunity."

While other fourth-place finishers, including rocker Chris Daughtry, have said not winning "Idol" was probably the best thing that ever happened to them, Durbin said he understood that sentiment, but "winning would have been just great too."

He said his first instinct when host Ryan Seacrest broke the news was to think about how badly he'd wanted to win and fight back the feeling that somehow he'd failed. But after some time to reflect, Durbin said he'd come around on that thought. "I haven't failed at all," he said, adding a refrain often heard from "Idol" finalists. "This is just the beginning."

The singer, who provided one of the most emotionally engaging moments of the season with his tearful farewell, compared the journey on "Idol" to a roller coaster, saying it has loops and corkscrews and that while some people think of elimination as the first step toward the crazy ride down the other side of the fame hill, he sees it differently. "I'm still clicking up the track," he said of his wild ride yet to come. "I'm really, really stoked."

While some of his castmates have hooked up with movie starlets, Durbin said one of the biggest celebrity perks he enjoyed on "Idol" was becoming close to professional wrestler and "Dancing With the Stars" contestant Chris Jericho, whose show is filmed at the same studio as "Idol." For the lifelong wrestling fan, who always idolized Jericho, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And given that Jericho fronts his own metal band, the boys bonded over body slams, life on the road and all things hard rock.

Given the Hollywood-ready arc of his story ? from his Asperger's and Tourette's syndrome to the death of his musician father from a drug overdose when James was 9 years old ? someone asked who the singer might like to see portray him in a movie. At first, he was speechless and then said he might want to do the honors himself. But then he suggested Matt Damon, since some people have said he resembles the actor, and maybe Steven Seagal for his older incarnation, since he used to rock a Seagal-like ponytail back in the day.

Durbin has lots of plans for his debut album. He'd like to work with Dream Theater's Mike Portnoy, reunite with guitar legend Zakk Wylde and bring out his "secret weapon," his best friend from home who is a shredding guitar player. As he's said before, James wants to bring back the classic metal sound, starting with an iconic singer/guitarist pairing along the lines of Wylde and Ozzy Osbourne or Aerosmith's Steven Tyler and Joe Perry.

And given the chance, he'd like to re-create the sound of his favorite record, the 1983 debut from late Black Sabbath metal screamer and solo star Ronnie James Dio, Holy Diver. He wouldn't give any details, but Durbin said he heard the song that might be his first single Thursday. "I really dig it," he said of the unnamed tune. "It's something I can really work." He described it as having a heavy edge, but also being radio-friendly enough to get airplay.

With no regrets, Durbin did point out his one potential misstep on the show when asked why his number might have been called Thursday. Referring again to his friendship with wrestler Jericho, he noted that the last song Jericho danced to on "Stars" was, yes, Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'."

" 'Don't Stop Believing' eliminated James Durbin, Chris Jericho and Tony Soprano," he said with a laugh.

Don't miss "Idol Party Live" every Thursday at noon on for analysis, celebrity guests and even some karaoke ? get in the conversation by tweeting with the hashtag #idolparty! In the meantime, get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

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Michael Jackson Sylvester Stallone Arnold Schwarzenegger Justin Bieber

Britney Spears -- Y'all Wanna Drive My Car?

Britney Spears' famous black Mercedes -- once known as the most dangerous car in L.A. -- will soon be displayed in a Chicago auto museum ... and TMZ has learned the people behind the exhibit are letting one lucky fan get behind the wheel.


Britney has one hell of a history in the 2008 Mercedes Benz SLK 320 -- she blew through red lights, wreaked havoc at all hours of the night and smashed into another car in a parking lot ... for which she was later arrested on a hit-and-run charge. 051311_britney_x17_still

Now, the car is set to go on display at the Volo Auto Museum just outside of Chicago on June 26 ... the same day the museum will hold a drawing to let one lucky Britney fan drive the car around town for a day ...

... as long as the winner agrees to obey all traffic laws.

Tags: Britney Spears,�Ride Me

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Carly Patterson Vanessa Hudgens Ali Larter Busy Phillips

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mary Tyler Moore 'Recovering Nicely' from Head Surgery

Mary Tyler Moore 'Recovering Nicely' from Head Surgery

Mary Tyler Moore

Eugene Gologursky/WireImage

Mary Tyler Moore underwent a four-hour operation to remove a benign tumor on the lining tissue of the skull, her rep tells PEOPLE.

"According to her surgeon, she tolerated the procedure without difficulty and is recovering nicely with her husband at her bedside," the rep says.

In what was described as a fairly routine procedure, the tumor, called a meningioma, was entirely removed, and the actress, 73, is "will require no additional treatment," the rep adds. ? Julie Jordan

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Pakistani protesters lead prayers for bin Laden

Hundreds of lawyers sympathetic to radical Islamists have attended special prayers for Osama bin Laden and denounced the raid by US special forces that killed the al-Qaida leader.

About 350 protesters gathered outside the provincial high court in Lahore to condemn both the US goverment and the Pakistani leadership.

The al-Qaida leader and at least four others were killed on May 2 by US special forces who raided his compound in Abbottabad, a garrison city not far from the capital, Islamabad.

In Abbottabad, just over a hundred members of the Jamiat Ulema Islam political party rallied in the streets after Friday prayers.

They vowed to start a revolution to avenge what they called the "martyrdom" of bin Laden.

Meanwhile, at least 80 people have been killed in the country following a terrorist attack at a military academy in the town of Charsadda.

The twin bomb attack is the first major incident since Osama bin Laden was killed earlier this month.

Al Qaeda and its Pakistani Taliban allies have vowed to avenge his killing.

Local reports said that the Taliban had claimed responsibility for the attack.

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Tina Fey Says Her Husband Is Bad At Diaper Duty: ?He Never Got Past The Poop?

FIRST PUBLISHED: April 22, 2011 3:14 PM EDT

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

Tina Fey?s second baby may be on the way, but while her husband, Jeff Richmond, is a helpful sort of man, last time around ? with daughter Alice, now 5 ? he failed miserably at assisting her with diaper duty.

?My husband was really good about helping out. The problem was diapers. He never got past the poop,? Tina told GQ magazine?s May issue. ?He would do these [gagging noise] ?Oh God, I?m gonna vomit.? Never got over it.?

As for the actress/writer herself, she had trouble adjusting to using a breast pump, while at the same time watching an HBO bromance comedy series.

?Yeah, the thing?s upsetting. I would try to pump milk while watching ?Entourage? on demand. And that was the worst possible way to do it,? she told the mag. ?Like, I had the pump on, and I?d hear Turtle on TV: ?Yo, E, you ever [expletive] a girl when she has her period?? I just sat there thinking, ?Oooh, this is not how this is meant to be.??

The expectant mom is currently celebrating the 100th episode of her NBC comedy series, ?30 Rock,? which aired on Thursday night, and she admitted that her character is a lot like another legendary NBC character.

?I always feel like she?s like Jerry Seinfeld on ?Seinfeld.? You couldn?t have done ?Seinfeld? and hired some random guy to be Seinfeld,? she said. ?What he was bringing was very specific to him.?

In related Tina news, the actress revealed to ?The Oprah Winfrey Show? earlier this month that she is five months along in her pregnancy. She is currently promoting a memoir, ?Bossypants.?

Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Actress Miller settles News Corp phone snoop case (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? Sienna Miller accepted 100,000 pounds ($162,500) damages and an unconditional admission of liability from a newspaper that snooped on her phone messages, a scandal that embarrassed Rupert Murdoch's News Corp while it seeks approval for a huge merger.

Miller, the on-and-off girlfriend of fellow Hollywood star Jude Law, was one of the main plaintiffs suing News Corp over allegations reporters at its News of the World tabloid illegally listened to voice messages to get scoops.

The scandal has already cost Prime Minister David Cameron's spokesman his job and led to calls for greater oversight of Britain's ruthlessly competitive news media.

The newspaper said it would also give Miller documents in the case.

Miller was one of more than 20 celebrities, including TV personalities, sports figures and even former cabinet members, suing the News of the World for hiring a private investigator to hack into the voicemail accounts of their mobile phones.

Her case was expected to be one of a handful of lead cases against the newspaper that will set compensation levels for other plaintiffs. The lead cases are expected to be decided at a case-management hearing next week.

Miller's lawyer issued a statement on Friday saying: "Ms Miller's primary concern has never been how much money would be awarded by way of compensation but to know exactly what the extent of the hacking was."

"She has now obtained an order which requires the newspaper to give her the information and documents she wants and that meets all her requirements from this action."

News International said: "We are pleased that we have managed to bring this case to a satisfactory conclusion. Several weeks ago we admitted liability in certain cases and offered a genuine and unreserved apology."

"We hope to resolve other cases swiftly."

The scandal has damaged News Corp's reputation at a time when it has been seeking government approval for a proposed $14 billion takeover of British pay-TV firm BSkyB. Opponents want the merger blocked pending the outcome of a police probe.

One journalist at the newspaper was jailed in 2007 for illegally snooping on phone messages of a member of the royal household, but the paper maintained until this year that it was an isolated incident.

The police have since reopened the investigation, several journalists have been arrested and the newspaper has apologized. Cameron's media chief Andy Coulson, who had been the newspaper's editor at the time when the snooping took place, resigned.

(Corrects headline, paragraphs 1 and 4, drops paragraphs 13 and 14, to show that Miller won, not settled, the case. Adds statement from Miller's lawyer.)

(Editing by Peter Graff and Jon Boyle)

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Death Cab For Cutie Unveil Codes And Keys Live In Seattle

SEATTLE ? On their upcoming album, Death Cab for Cutie long to go home, even if they're not quite sure where home is anymore. Codes and Keys is practically propelled by that paradox ? home may be four walls and a bed, it may be the space between our two ears or it may be neither. After all, we carry so much of ourselves with us at all times that one could reasonably argue that we are always at home, even when we're on the road. But, then, the band wonders, if we're so connected, why do we so often feel nothing of the sort?

The answer they seem to come up with over the course of 11 songs on Codes is that home is everywhere and nowhere, probably at the same time. There's a reason the first song is called "Home Is a Fire," while the first single is called "You Are a Tourist," after all.

Anyway, we can save the existential discussion for the album review, because, for all intents and purposes, Seattle has always been Death Cab's de facto home (they're from Bellingham, a city 90 miles north). So it made sense that they chose the Emerald City as the place to unveil the songs from their new album, with a surprise show on Wednesday night at the Showbox SoDo, in the shadow of Safeco Field.

Of course, there was another reason they chose Seattle ... this was, as Death Cab frontman Ben Gibbard put it midway through their set, "our first show in almost two years" ? and who's more willing to overlook the occasional screw-up than a hometown crowd? So for two hours, DCFC took full advantage, working off the rust, delving into songs that spanned nearly their entire back catalog, testing out some new tunes and, yes, even messing up a time or three.

An airtight two hours, this wasn't, but it hardly mattered. The band was delightfully loose throughout, opening with a run of older songs ? "New Year," "Cath," "Crooked Teeth" (which really clicked, thanks to some nifty guitar stop-startmanship between Gibbard and Chris Walla) and "Photobooth" ? before finally debuting a pair of new ones: "Some Boys," a haunting tune featuring throbbing electronic pulses and a surging backbeat courtesy of bassist Nick Harmer and drummer Jason McGerr, and Codes and Keys' title track, which saw Gibbard plinking away at the piano while Harmer pulled slide chords out of a guitar and Walla hunched over a rack of electronics.

Then it was back to the archives: "Long Division," "Grapevine Fires," an ominously unspooling (and really great) "I Will Possess Your Heart" and "I Will Follow You Into the Dark," performed solo by Gibbard (with backing vocals by every single couple in the room).

The aforementioned "Tourist" followed, with Gibbard playing a gleefully gull-wing lead guitar, and then another Codes song ? the poppy, Casio-fied "Underneath the Sycamore." From there, the set list swerved between old and new, as DCFC dusted off tracks like "Meet Me on the Equinox," "405," "Where Soul Meets Body" and "Why You'd Want to Live Here," but also unveiled the jaw-dropping "Doors Unlocked and Open," a stalking, wiry song that started with a long instrumental section and then gradually built to a buzzing conclusion, while Gibbard sang spare lines about isolation and wide-open claustrophobia into a second mic, his voice echoing over the din.

After that, though, well, things sort of went off the rails. "The Sound of Settling" was a joyous mess, with Gibbard stopping to ask if he was singing in the wrong key, then realizing his guitar was out of tune, but plowing through anyway while notes flew everywhere and the rest of his bandmates cracked up. A new song, "Portable TV," came off without a hitch, but as it gently floated away, a pre-recorded message (of what sounded like a televangelist) played for no particular reason ? a mishap Gibbard played off by sighing, "It's been a while, folks," to loud cheers.

They pulled it together for the final two songs, a marching "Title and Registration" and a voluminous version of "Transatlanticism," which built and built and finally boiled over, with McGerr pounding the ever-living crap out of his kit (he removed his glasses before doing so). Then, with feedback still hanging in the air, Gibbard jokingly thanked the crowd for "helping us work through our first-show jitters" and exited to thunderous applause.

It may not have been perfect, but that was hardly the point. The fans streamed out of the Showbox giddy ? after all, they were the first audience to hear most of Codes and Keys ? and Death Cab looked very much like they had an absolute blast, even when things were going wrong. Sometimes, it's good to come home. Even if you're not sure where home is anymore.

Are you planning to catch Death Cab for Cutie on their upcoming Codes and Keys Tour? Tell us in the comments.

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